Book a week stay and receive a 15% discount.

Book a week stay and receive a 15% discount.
Want to do a cruise around town but didn’t bring your bicycle? Stop in the office and check out our new cruiser bikes! Use our bikes for free to run a quick errand or rent it for the day. We are the closest RV park to the river trail bike path access. It’s right at the top of our entrance!
Did you know that you can legally drive your ATV or OHV directly from the RV Park and access endless miles of trails via Montrose County roads? Riverbend RV Park is the only RV Park that has direct access to millions of acres of public lands lying West of Montrose County. Leave your site in the morning and start exploring…
San Juan Common Grilling Park
Our camping spots are the best places to spend some great time with the people you love. Here’s how we are committed to keeping these spaces safe for you to enjoy!
This is the perfect opportunity to party with your friends, enjoy late summer nights, beautiful nature and get rid of the stress from daily routine!